I have been tagged by my mum for 7 random/weird/unusual things about me.......
1. I was talking in full sentences when i was 9 months old. According to my parents i have not shutup since!
2. I talk and walk in my sleep. I have conversations with my mum late at night and have no memory of them. I also get up and go exploring and get myself stuck in hotel fire escapes.....
3. I hate coffee but love Farmers Union Iced Coffee.
4.I dont like P.Js.... I always sleep in the top i was wearing during the day.
5. I much prefer being with my mums friends to my own, dont get me wrong I love my friends but I have much more fun at stitching night than going out with friends.
6. I dont fit in my family. I am not quite old enough to be one of the "Big People". My cousins are all under 11 so being 16 i dont fit with the "Little Ones" either.
7. I find writing about my self really hard. I hate writing about me things or answering questions about myself.
But if you want to know how amazing I am, just ask my mum she will tell you.
Happy Blogging.